Risperdal is a long-acting, injectable medication that has been approved for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. Manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson, Risperdal dominates in antipsychotic prescriptions today and is prescribed to thousands of patients.

Risperdal was initially approved by the FDA in 1996 as a treatment for manic or mixed delusional episodes, such as schizophrenia, but was later approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder in 2003. It has since become one of the most prescribed antipsychotic medications in America with sales surpassing more than $3 billion.

The FDA has released a number of warnings regarding the use of Risperdal. In November 2013, Janssen Pharmaceuticals was found guilty of introducing a misbranded drug into interstate commerce. Johnson & Johnson is charged with failure to provide adequate warnings as to the risk and potentially serious side effects associated with the use of Risperdal.

Gynecomastia and Risperdal

In some patients who take Risperdal, there is a risk for increased levels of prolactin production. This hormone stimulates the development of breast tissue in women, but it can cause a condition known as gynecomastia in males who take Risperdal. Serious side effects, including emotional trauma, pain in the breast, and nipple discharge, are common in males who suffer from gynecomastia.

Risperdal has also been linked to a number of other serious health conditions and side effects, including:

  • Involuntary muscle movements (tardive dyskinesia/extrapyramidal symptoms)
  • Diabetes
  • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)

Serious side effects associated with the above conditions may not only be permanent in some cases, but also can be life-threatening and in some cases fatal. If you believe that you or someone you love has suffered from a serious side effect or complication as a result of having been prescribed Risperdal, speaking with a knowledgeable attorney may help.

At McDivitt Law Firm, we feel that you deserve information that may be relevant to your rights as a consumer. We want to alert you to a potential claim regarding medications that you or someone you know may have previously taken.

We may be able to help you if:

  • You developed gynecomastia while taking Risperdal.
  • You used Risperdal prior to 2009.
  • You had a breast reduction surgery as a result of developing gynecomastia.

If you or someone you know has taken Risperdal and experienced any symptoms listed above, please contact us today for a confidential case evaluation.