Talcum powder is a common powder found in many households throughout the United States. It is commonly known as baby powder, body powder, and talc powder. Talc is a hydrated magnesium silicate, meaning it is made up of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. As a powder it is commonly used to absorb moisture and odor, keep skin dry, cut down on friction, and to help prevent and treat rashes. Not all forms of baby powder or body powder contain talc.

Talcum powder is commonly found in health and hygiene products including: body powders, foot powders, medicated powders, perfumed powders, deodorant powders, cosmetics, antiperspirants, perfumes, soaps, and sanitary and incontinence pads. It is used by many women for personal hygiene; however, used in this way, talcum powder may pose a serious and potentially life-threatening health concern for women who use it for feminine hygiene purposes. Manufacturers often target female consumers by marketing talcum powder as a way of staying cool, comfortable and free of vaginal odors.

Side Effects of using talcum powder:

When talcum powder is applied to the genital area of women, particles from the powder can enter into the vagina and travel through the uterus and fallopian tubes, and to the ovaries. Once inside it can take years to dissolve, and also cause inflammation. A number of studies over the years have linked talcum powder with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. A recent study has found that use of it may cause a 20-30% greater risk of developing ovarian cancer.

At McDivitt Law Firm, we feel that you deserve information that may be relevant to your rights as a consumer. We want to alert you to a potential claim regarding talcum powder that you or someone you know may have used.

We may be able to help you if:

  • You have used talcum powder for female hygiene reasons around the genital area.
  • You have developed ovarian cancer or uterine cancer.

If you or a loved one has been affected by the health risk listed above, please contact us for a free and confidential case evaluation.